Shellfish stencil - How to trace 3 different shellfish

Posted by Carine Soriano on

This video Hilde shows you how she traces the 3 different shellfish layout you can use with the Shellfish stencil.

It really helps seeing all the lines you need to use for each design.

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  • @Marie Carrick
    There are some straight lines I didn’t draw because you can use them in every form.
    And then there are some lines left at the top (going from the blue form and ending in the red form: Well, I can see me using that as extra decoration option for the blue form in combination with the red top brim.
    You are free to combinate all the lines and forms with each other. It is only your imagination that decide what lines you want to use or not

    Hilde on
  • It looked as though some lines were not used. What are those for?

    Marie Carrick on
  • Thanks so much for this video! It’s so easy to see where each pattern is now that you’ve shown us!

    Linda Gallacher on

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